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Sunscreen: Not Just for Summer

· Skin Care,Kelowna Skin Cancer,Dr Lize Wiese,Sunscreen

When the weather begins to become cooler, even those dedicated to applying sunscreen daily in the summer forget that it is essential year-round. The temperature or weather shouldn’t be the defining factor in whether or not you prioritize sunscreen. Taking care of your skin during the winter and fall is just as important as it is during the summer.

Cloud Cover Doesn’t Protect You

The clouds might look heavy and protective during the winter, but you shouldn’t let their appearance fool you. Up to 80% of the sun’s rays can still get through the cloud cover. Although the intensity of UVB rays may fluctuate by season, UVA rays are intense all year round.

UVA rays can penetrate clouds and glass and affect deeper areas of the skin. Not only does this lead to premature aging, but it increases your risk of developing skin cancer. Unlike UVB rays, UVA rays can take a toll on your skin during every season.

To make matters worse, snow and ice have the potential to reflect 90% of UV rays. Even if the skies are cloudy, the sun’s reflected rays can be extremely intense.

Being Outside Is Hard on Your Skin

Many people realize that a day at the beach puts your skin at risk if you don’t take the proper preventative measures. What many don’t know, though, is that a day outside during the winter is just as risky! If you enjoy winter sports, remember that UV radiation exposure increases between four and five percent with every 1,000 feet you go above sea level.

A day at the beach often makes it easy to remember to apply sunscreen. After all, if you sweat it off or go swimming, you’ll need to reapply. Did you know that weather conditions reduce your sunscreen more quickly? Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that they need to do more than apply a coat once and forget about it as the day goes on.

Your Skin Is Still at Risk

Your skin is just as at risk during the winter as it is during the summer. The sun doesn’t stop shining during the winter, and its intense UVA rays are just as dangerous as they are during the warmer seasons.

By taking action, you can protect your skin from aging and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Remember to wear sunscreen every day and reapply it regularly, especially after sweating.